About Us
About Us
Jesus is the Answer
Jesus is the Answer
JITA (Jesus Is The Answer) is a non-profit evangelistic outreach organization whose purpose and goal is to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ back into the streets of Washington, D.C., and the Metropolitan surrounding areas. JITA strives to meet the needs of the community by giving hope back to the hopeless and by providing the necessities needed in maintaining a balanced Christian lifestyle.
JITA's mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to all mankind, while there is still time. JITA defines itself as a Christ based and centered organization whose main goal is to literally give back what the antichrist (the devil) has stolen from God's people. JITA aims to assist in re-instilling a positive sense of well-being into the lives of those who have lost hope because of poverty, single-parent households, dysfunctional behaviors, abandonment, discouragement, neglect, unemployment, illiteracy, a lack of spiritual and moral training, drugs and alcohol usage, and people in general who just need to be encouraged and loved by the Word of God.
The body of JITA has been assigned by God, orchestrated by God, anointed by God and sent by God to go out into the streets and communities of the Metropolitan areas of Washington, D.C., to reinforce the principles taught and lived by Jesus Christ when He walked the earth over
JITA has targeted and served several neighboring public schools located in Southeast, Washington, D.C. while partnering with the schools administration team, the teachers and especially the students and their parents in providing the basic necessities of life such as the Word of God, bibles, food, clothing, household items, encouragement and compassion.
JITA proposes to strengthen and empower families and communities by showing that JESUS IS THE ANSWER.
JITA proposes to strengthen and empower families and communities by showing that JESUS IS THE ANSWER.
JITA is a Christ based ministry with a primary focus on reaching lost
souls for the Kingdom of God.
JITA's aim is to offer spiritual guidance with the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, reconciling every man; woman, boy and girl back to God.
JITA's effective tools of Christian outreach venues are provided through evangelism, spiritual retreats, workshops, and gatherings for all ages.
JITA's goal is to eventually be used as a net-working system in providing emergency provisions of food, clothing and eventually shelter for those in need.
240-593- 2575
Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM
Sat - Sun: Closed